Help - How to Use
Once you are registered and logged-in, create a Wish List from your User Area (click the black bar above the site name). Wish Lists are public or private lists of products and services that users would like to buy. Once your wish list is created you can add products from the catalog to your Wish List easily. You can set your Wish List to Public View - which allows others, including product manufacturers and suppliers, to see it and contact you, or Private View, allowing only those other users you choose to see it.
You will soon be able to buy and sell just about anything on You can set up your online shop here for free today - it's easy! We will be adding more functionality in the months ahead. Join us now, become an early adopter and help us grow. Tell us the products and services you want and the prices you wish to pay - we'll do the rest and inform you by email, sms or web messaging - it's your choice! Prepare for our November 2021 Black Friday Grand Opening with contests, prizes and great deals for everyone. Help others find the lowest prices by posting your leads, blogging and promoting the products and services you like. Give advice to others about where to find the lowest prices, and more! Thanks from
How to use
1. Register with your valid primary email address [1] - so you can use the site!
2. Choose the products, goods and services for which you want the lowest prices found by completing two forms - a general one on our home page that takes less than a minute to complete and a more specific one that follows it that takes 5 minutes - the more information you give us the better we are able to help you. We'll send you the lowest price info by email, sms or web message - your choice!
3. Subscribe to one of our newsletters [2] (links in the sidebar) for special offers and deep discounts once a month by email.
4. Browse the goods and services our members are selling. Rate them if you do business with them.
5. List your own goods and services for sale here on the site [3]. Put up Classified Ads [4].
6. Create your own Blog [5]! Become an Influencer and keep your followers informed about the lowest prices, sales, great values, special offers, shoddy goods, scams and frauds - whatever you would like.
7. Use our forums [6] where you can create your own forum topics and advise others, flag great deals and values, alert others to scams and frauds, get help or advice from other users or just discuss topics of mutual interest.
8. Use our special Real Estate section [7] to browse, list [8] and buy homes, land and more.
9. Don't forget to invite your friends to visit with the easy invite app in the sidebar. Sending valid invitations (the email address must be a valid one) earns you Lowest Prices dollars that you can use on the site. Friend us at your Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Linked In account and earn Lowest Price dollars that you can use on the site. is still being built, and we will soon start selling new lowest price products here directly to you.
10. Once you are registered and logged-in, create a Wish List from your User Area (click the black bar above the site name). Wish Lists are public or private lists of products and services that users would like to buy. Once your wish list is created you can add products from the catalog to your Wish List easily. You can set your Wish List to Public View - which allows others, including product manufacturers and suppliers, to see it and contact you, or Private View, allowing only those other users you choose to see it.
11. Offer your CoronaVirus Covid-19 PPE - Personal Protective Equipment - for sale, or place your PPE wanted ad in our Classified Ads.
Thanks for joining!